Sunday, April 26, 2009

2 Weeks after the split...

Two weeks after the split and hive #2 is still doing well, but it looks like the other half of the split (#3) is still queenless. Last week when I went in I saw some queen cells, this week none. Not sure if this is because she is out and in the maturity/mating process or if this hive is in serious trouble (ie no queen and no eggs for new queen). They still have some unopened brood and stores, but that's it. At this point I will let them go another week (that will be the 21 days), if I still have bees and still no queen then I will do some emergency treatment (ie add some eggs and perhaps some additional brood from another hive).

Hive #1 is also queenless. BTW - I now can hear the queenless roar and know what it sounds like - both #3 and #1 make the same sound. This hive however still has several supscedure queen cells in progress so I have hope...

Hive #4 has moved some brood up into the top box, this is encouraging for a hive that has spent most of its life in one box. I hope this is a harbinger of good things to come. For now they have plenty of room, but I'l have to watch this one closely.

It was hot today, 80's, sweat dripping down in my face, it skipped spring entirely here.


Steve @ Serenity Farm said...

Looked at my new hive yesterday. Hived the package of bees on Thursday of last week, yesterday the queen had been released, there is new comb on 4 of 10 frames and every drawn out cell has either pollen, nectar or eggs in it. Bees turn out to be remarkably docile. Didn't use any smoke and the bees were either not excited or had more important things to do than mess with me while I messed with them. -steve-

Rich said...

Sounds great, seems like new bees have an amazing ability for fast build up. Sounds like you have a good queen there also. Excellent!